臺灣大學圖書館 歡迎來到 國立臺灣大學圖書館 | 國立臺灣大學圖書館

National Taiwan University Library Closed Stacks Retrieval Services


Warner Bros. Pictures ; Warner Bros. presents in association with Le Studio Canal+, Regency Enterprises and Alcor Films ; an Ixtlan Corporation and an A. Kitman Ho production ; an Oliver Stone film ; screenplay by Oliver Stone & Zachary Sklar ; produced by A. Kitman Ho and Oliver Stone ; directed by Oliver Stone.

館藏地(location) 索書號(call number) 條碼(barcode)
Main Lib 4F Closed Stacks-Audiovisual Materials (Click "Closed Stacks Retrieval Services" link below to retrieve) (c4cvc)
(VV) E842 J34 2000 [disc1] 2569208
Main Lib 4F Closed Stacks-Audiovisual Materials (Click "Closed Stacks Retrieval Services" link below to retrieve) (c4cvc)
(VV) E842 J34 2000 [disc2] 2569209

借還書服務:02-33662353 tulcir@ntu.edu.tw|參考諮詢:02-33662326 tul@ntu.edu.tw|臺北市10617羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學圖書館


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